Categories: Cook

Gored Gored

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What is gored gored?

Gored gored is a tasty beef dish native to Ethiopia and Eritrea. It consists of raw cubes of beef, usually tenderloin or round steak, seasoned with niter kibbeh (spiced clarified butter), local spice blends such as berbere and mitmita, and awaze, a fairly spicy paste.

The dish can be enjoyed on its own or served on injera, an Ethiopian flatbread. More awaze may be added for extra spiciness.

Gored gored is similar to kitfo, another Ethiopian dish, although the cut is not the same, and it makes the flavor different.

Which cuts beef are best suited to gored gored?

Beef is generally divided into four edible parts, the so-called noble pieces that are eaten raw or simply grilled. The parts intended to be boiled or simmered for a long time. The parts intended to be chopped, and finally the offal.

For the preparation of this dish, the noble parts should be chosen, and are generally located on the behind and back of the animal. Round steak is found in the thigh and hindquarters, and tenderloin on the back of the animal.

The price can vary significantly from cut to cut, with the fillet being the most expensive but also the leanest and arguably the best.

When it comes to consuming raw meat, it is important to get very good quality and especially fresh meat.

As most bacteria are destroyed by thorough cooking, raw meat is naturally more exposed to health risks. The cold chain must be strictly observed, and meat intended to be eaten raw must be prepared very quickly after purchase.

How to prepare gored gored

For the preparation of this Ethiopian dish, the quality of the meat is essential. The ideal is to choose a noble and lean piece such as tenderloin or round steak.

The preparation is very simple, just cut the meat into uniform cubes. It is best to do this step at the last moment to avoid bacterial contamination of the meat.

The various spice blends and awaze are then added. It is essential to mix everything well so that the spices coat all the pieces of meat, and evenly flavor it.

Finally, the local clarified butter, called niter kibbeh, is added. This brings a lot of shine and flavor to the dish. This must be tempered to be able to add it easily.

Gored gored should be served immediately. It is usually served with rice and / or injera.

Once flavored with spices, it can be stored overnight in the refrigerator. In this case, it will be better to sauté the pieces of meat over low heat for a few minutes in order to soften the butter. Cooked for a few minutes, it then takes the name of lebleb.

What are the variants?

In addition to the different spice blends, this recipe can be spiced up with a little araqi, an alcohol distilled from grains.

The amount of awaze may vary from version to version, so the gored gored may be saturated or just lightly coated. Since awaze is made from pili-pili peppers, it is best to gradually add it to the meat, and taste until the right balance is achieved.

If berbere or homemade mitmita spice mixes are used, it is best to sift them before using so as not to have too large grains on the meat, which would make the dish unpleasant.


Wikipedia Fr – Gored Gored Wikipedia Eng – Gored Gored Always in the Kitchen

This post was last modified on Tháng Mười 5, 2023 4:31 chiều

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