Categories: Cook

Potatoes 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Effects

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Eating potatoes is generally healthy and safe. However, in some cases, people need to limit their consumption — or avoid them altogether.

Potato allergies

Food allergies are a common condition, characterized by an immune reaction to proteins in certain foods.

A potato allergy is relatively rare, but some people may have an allergy to patatin, one of the main proteins in potatoes (30, 31, 32).

Those with a latex allergy may be sensitive to patatin as well due to a phenomenon known as allergic cross-reactivity (33).

Potato toxins

Plants of the nightshade family, such as potatoes, contain a class of toxic phytonutrients known as glycoalkaloids. The two main glycoalkaloids in potatoes are solanine and chaconine.

Glycoalkaloid poisoning after eating potatoes has been reported in both people and animals (21). However, reports of toxicity are rare, and the condition may go undiagnosed in many cases. In low doses, glycoalkaloids usually cause mild symptoms, such as headache, stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting (21).

In more serious cases, the symptoms include neurological disorders, rapid breathing, fast heartbeat, low blood pressure, fever, and even death (21, 34).

Some animal studies indicate that the low levels of glycoalkaloids likely found in the human diet may exacerbate inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) (35).

Normally, potatoes contain only trace amounts of glycoalkaloids. A 154-pound (70-kg) individual would have to eat over 13 cups (2 kg) of potatoes (with the skin) in one day to get a lethal dose (34). That said, lower amounts may still cause adverse symptoms.

The levels of glycoalkaloids are higher in the peel and sprouts than in other parts of the potato. It’s best to avoid eating potato sprouts (36).

Potatoes rich in glycoalkaloids have a bitter taste and cause a burning sensation in your mouth, an effect that may be a warning sign of potential toxicity (37).

Potato varieties containing high amounts of glycoalkaloids — over 25 mg per cup (200 mg per kg) — cannot be marketed commercially, and some varieties have been banned (38).


Acrylamides are contaminants formed in carb-rich foods when they’re cooked at very high temperatures, such as during frying, baking, and roasting (39).

They are found in fried, baked, or roasted potatoes, but not fresh, boiled, or steamed ones (40, 41, 42). The amount of acrylamides increases with higher frying temperatures and longer cooking times (42). Compared to other foods, french fries and potato chips are very high in acrylamides (42).

These compounds are used as industrial chemicals, and acrylamide toxicity has been reported in people exposed to them in the workplace (43).

Although the amount of acrylamides in foods is generally low, long-term exposure may be harmful. Animal studies indicate that acrylamides may increase cancer risk and harm the brain and nervous system (44, 45, 46, 47).

In humans, acrylamides have been classified as a possible risk factor for cancer (48).

However, numerous observational studies have investigated the effect of eating acrylamide-rich foods on cancer risk in humans, and most did not detect any significant adverse effects (49, 50, 51, 52, 53).

High intake of acrylamides may have adverse health effects over time, but the extent of these effects is unclear, and further studies are required.

For optimal health, it seems sensible to limit your consumption of french fries and potato chips.

French fries and potato chips

Potatoes have been blamed for contributing to obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

The main reason for this is that potatoes are widely consumed as french fries and potato chips — high fat foods that harbor a number of unhealthy compounds. French fries are also frequently associated with fast food.

Observational studies link the consumption of fried potatoes and potato chips to weight gain (54, 55).

Fried potatoes and potato chips may also contain acrylamides and high amounts of salt, which may be harmful over time (42, 56, 57).

For this reason, high consumption of fried potatoes — especially french fries and chips — should be avoided.

Who should avoid potatoes?

Anyone with an allergy to potatoes or any of the compounds in potatoes should avoid eating them.

Some believe potatoes and other vegetables in the nightshade family exacerbate autoimmune conditions like IBS (58). However, more research is needed to know for sure whether individuals with autoimmune conditions should avoid potatoes.

Potatoes can be part of a nutrient-dense diet. However, fried potatoes, like french fries and potato chips, should be limited, especially in people who are trying to manage their weight or who have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease or diabetes.


Potatoes may contain a number of unhealthy compounds — particularly when fried. Limit your consumption of french fries and chips, and remove potato sprouts when preparing potatoes.

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