Categories: Technical

How to Share Photos from Google Drive?

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Video How to share photos on drive

Part 2- How to share photos on Google Drive from mobile?

Now hopping on to our next category& which will speak on how to share your pictures from Google Drive while using your mobile phones.

The simpler fact is that either you would be an android user or an iOS user. So& based on your device-type& you have to follow the simple steps and get the utility of sharing your pictures through the Google Drive App.

For iPhone Users:

Let’s elaborate a bit and see how it goes from uploading the pictures in Google Drive to share it with your friends!

Follow the simple steps to share the photos from Google Drive on your iPhone.

1. Go to the App Store and download the Google Drive App.

2. Once the installation is complete& click on the Google Drive icon.

3. The next step is to log in with your desired Google Account& and it would land you on the Google Drive page.

4. To add your pictures& you must then click on the Add (+) button& which appears on your screen’s top right corner.

5. Create a new folder and reach within it to upload your pictures.

6. Now press the Add (+) button again and choose ‘Upload Photos and Videos’.

7. Now picking the photos from your camera roll or other folders of your mobile& you can upload the pictures from your phone to your Google Drive

8. Once the upload is complete& select the folder and choose the ‘Share’ option from the main menu. Now type the email address of the people with whom you want to share the pictures.

9. Alongside this& you can choose to permit them to ‘View’ or ‘Edit’ the shared files. (If you choose the ‘Edit’ option& they’ll be able to add or delete the photos from the folder). Now click Share and Save.

Note: There is also a provision to share a link with those who don’t have the Google Account

For Android Users:

If you are an android user& you can download the Google Drive App from the Play Store.

Follow the steps mentioned below to start experiencing a hassle-free exchange of photos with your friends and family.

1. Upload the photos on your Google Drive and save it in a separate folder for the future convenience.

2. Once the pictures are uploaded& select the folder and add people.

3. Share it with your desired contacts by writing in their email addresses in the column. You can also manage the permissions as to whether to allow them to simply view or edit the folder by checking a tick on either ‘View’ or ‘Edit’ on the box’s right side.

4. Once you are done& simply click ‘Save and Share’& and the photos would appear in the ‘Shared with me’ column of your selected contacts.

That’s it! In addition to that& you can also make use of the ‘Google Photos’& which is specifically designed for smartphones to keep a streamlined track of photos. It also comes with a face recognition feature where you could give a command to automatically line-up the pictures in a specific location.

This post was last modified on Tháng Mười 20, 2023 8:40 chiều

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