Categories: Technical

How to Edit Personal Messages on Zalo?

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Do you remember when chatting on Zalo was fun and not annoying? Those days are gone. The chat app is now overrun with people posting spam messages that nobody wants to read. Thankfully, there is a way to get rid of these unwanted personal messages in your inbox. You can easily turn off the ability for other users to send you messages, or you can make an effort to edit your profile so others can no longer send you messages. This article will teach you how to do both of those things and everything else you need to know about and how to edit personal messages on Zalo!

How to Block Users on Zalo

Zalo is a free messaging app, so you might be surprised to learn that you can block other users. It is a great way to protect yourself from being added to groups or receiving unwanted messages. To block someone:

  1. Open their profile and tap the three dots in the upper-right corner.
  2. From there, tap “Block” and confirm your decision. The blocked user won’t be able to add you to groups, send you messages, or see when you are online.
  3. Remember that blocking someone will also prevent you from seeing their profile picture, viewing their profile content, and adding them as friends.

If someone is bothering you, blocking them is a great way to get rid of them. To unblock someone, you can either ignore their messages until they disappear or go to your profile’s “Blocked” tab to unblock them.

How to Turn Off Receiving Personal Messages on Zalo

In addition to blocking people, you can also turn off receiving personal messages on Zalo. This is a great way to temporarily stop receiving unwanted messages, like those annoying advertisements. To turn off personal messages, go to the “Settings” tab on the lower-right side of your profile. From there, tap “General” and then “Communication.” Toggle the switch next to “Personal messages” to turn it off. This will temporarily turn off personal messages so that nobody can message you. If you want to turn it back on, go to the same menu and switch the setting back on.

How to Stop Receiving All Personal Messages on Zalo

While you can temporarily turn off personal messages, you can also permanently stop receiving personal messages on Zalo. This is useful if you never want to ever receive messages from other users on the app again. To turn off all personal messages on Zalo, go to the “Settings” tab on the lower-right side of your profile and tap “General” and then “Communication.” Next, toggle the switch next to “Personal messages.” You will receive one last message from the Zalo team informing you that you have turned off all personal messages. This is a great way to block all ads and unwanted messages on Zalo. The only downside is that nobody will be able to message you. If you ever change your mind and want someone to be able to send you messages, toggle the switch back on.

Who Can Edit Messages on Zalo?

Another annoyance plaguing Zalo is that somebody can edit a message you send them. This isn’t very pleasant because your message may not make sense after editing it, and you lose your original meaning. Everyone who received the original message will see it edited when you edit a message. Luckily, you can prevent other users from editing your messages. To do so:

  1. Go to the “Settings” tab on the lower-right side of your profile.
  2. From there, tap “General” and “Communication.”
  3. Toggle the switch next to “Editable message.” This will prevent other users from editing your messages.

It doesn’t prevent them from deleting your messages, however. If you want to prevent users from deleting your messages, you must report them and let Zalo’s staff know they are spamming.

How to Edit Personal Messages on Zalo?

If you don’t want other users to be able to edit your messages but want to edit other users’ messages, you can do so. To edit somebody else’s message, you must be using the web version of Zalo. This is only possible for a few users because the feature is still in its beta stages. Who can edit Zalo messages? Users who have verified their phone number on Zalo, users who have verified their phone number on the Zalo website, and moderators.

Conclusion and how to edit personal messages on Zalo are just a few ways the app has become an annoyance. It also hosts ads, allows users to edit your messages, and refuses to let users block people. If you want to be able to enjoy using the app again, it is up to you to take action. You can start by blocking users spamming your inbox, preventing others from editing your messages, and editing other users’ messages. Doing so will help make the app enjoyable again, allowing you to use it without annoyance. Zalo is a great app that lets you stay connected without paying for expensive phone plans. With your help, it can get back to being that way again.

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