Categories: Cook

Crispy grilled mackerel with garlic & lemon

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We love the crispy, smoky skin and juicy, flavourful flesh of this delicious grilled mackerel. Packed with Omega 3, it’s a healthy family favourite dinner.

First, let me apologise for the sub-standard photos accompanying this recipe for grilled mackerel. I’ve made this garlicky grilled mackerel several times recently and failed to get a really good picture on any occasion. Mostly because we didn’t want to wait around taking photographs of it when we could be eating it!

Grilled mackerel – simply delicious

The whole family loves this simple grilled mackerel dish, with its crispy, smoky skin, and juicy, flavourful flesh. It’s so easy to make and really delicious! Plus of course terrifically healthy as mackerel is an oily fish and packed with Omega 3 fatty acids.

Mackerel – an oily fish

As well as Omega 3, Mackerel is also a great source of vitamin B12, as well as niacin, iron, vitamin B6, riboflavin, magnesium, phosphorus, folate, and selenium. Studies have shown that regularly eating oily fish like mackerel can potentially improve your heart health, reduce inflammation, and lower your risk of cancer and arthritis. They may even reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline.

The NHS recommends eating a portion of oily fish like mackerel about once a week, as part of a healthy diet.

Healthy & delicious – oily fish

Other kinds of oily fish you might like to add to your diet include:

  • Herring (including kippers, pickled herring and schmaltz herring)
  • Pilchards
  • Sardines
  • Anchovies
  • Salmon (including smoked salmon and tinned salmon)
  • Trout
  • Tuna

Save your pennies

As well as it’s impressive credentials when it comes to nutrition, mackerel is also fairly inexpensive compared to some other fish. So this grilled mackerel is a budget-friendly dinner as well as a healthy one!

Ingredients for delicious grilled mackerel

I like to keep it simple, as mackerel has a delicious flavour all of its own. I just use lemon and garlic to enhance the natural flavour, making this an easy and tasty fish dish.

To make this yummy grilled mackerel yourself, all you will need is:

  • Fresh mackerel fillets – of course!
  • Lemon juice
  • Olive oil
  • Garlic
  • Salt and pepper

Plus some chopped parsley and wedges of lemon to serve, if you like.

Grilled mackerel – indoors or out

As you can see in the (terrible) photo above, I cooked these grilled mackerel in a cast iron griddle pan on the stove. However you can also cook them up al fresco on the barbecue, if the British weather permits. The mackerel fillets can be quite fragile though, so I’d recommend using a barbecue fish holder or something similar to prevent them falling apart too much.

Grilled mackerel – Plus a bit on the side!

I serve these lovely grilled mackerel sprinkled with chopped parsley and a squeeze of fresh lemon – zingy!

They don’t require much else by way of accompaniment. Maybe some crusty bread and butter and a simple fresh salad? Israeli chopped vegetable salad is ideal as the sharp lemony dressing cuts the oiliness of the fish perfectly. So easy!

I’m sure we’ll be eating this several more times before the summer is over, so I’ll keep trying to get a good photo. Any excuse to eat it again!

If you want deliciously easy, family-friendly recipes like this one delivered straight to your inbox, simply click here to subscribe. (Of course, I’ll never pass on your email address to anyone.)

More delicious fish recipes

Other fish recipes you might enjoy include this delicious hake with caramelised onions, thyme and smoked paprika, or this simple sea bream with herbs and lemon.

If you’re particularly looking for recipes using oily fish, how about:

  • Cauliflower with anchovies and garlic
  • Smoked salmon and kale pasta
  • Citrus and herb salmon kebabs
  • Tinned salmon, broccoli and tomato pasta bake
  • Tuna puttanesca with tagliatelle
  • Easy smoked mackerel kedgeree

I’m linking this recipe up with Eating Al Fresco.

This post was last modified on Tháng Mười Một 13, 2023 3:23 sáng

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